Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Blue Rockets - Game 2

Tonight was the Rockets second baseball game of the season, and it was Ben's very first baseball game. (We missed the first game last Saturday because we had a soccer game at the same time.) Ben had a great time, and he did very well for his first game. He went 2 for 3 at bat, and he had a couple of throws in the outfield. We're new to this whole little league thing, so we're slowly learning the rules. For those of you who don't know each game is about an hour long. There are 3 innings, and each team gets to bat per inning. When each team is up to bat everyone gets to bat once per inning and then the teams switch. Also, every kid gets to play a position in the infield or play in the outfield. So it's kind of cool how all the kids get plenty of playing time. No one sits on the bench. Last of all, the coaches pitch to their own team, and if the child can't hit the ball after a couple of pitches then they get the tee out and let the kid hit it that way. Also, some of us parents are allowed to be on the field and help direct the kids, so I enjoyed getting involved. Anyway, Ben had a fun time at his first baseball game. It was a big day for him.

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