Jenny emailed several family members about this already, but in case you haven't heard - Megan broke her leg yesterday. It was a freak accident really. We were at the park yesterday at a school picnic event for Megan's preschool. They had one of those "bouncy houses" there and Megan was inside bouncing around with all her friends. Well...on one of her bounces she came down wrong and her knee just buckled underneath her. She fell right down and started screaming. I was watching her the whole time and I could just tell something was wrong. I crawled in the bouncy house and pulled her out. She was screaming and holding her leg. My initial thought was maybe a sprain, or a twist of some kind. I've sprained and broken a few limbs in my day, so that was the first thing that came to mind. So anyway, after that we all went home and we put some ice on her leg. An hour later she tried to stand on it and couldn't, so I ended up taking her to the doctor. Once there they examined her leg and took x-rays. The doctor then determined it was a "buckle fracture" just below her right knee. She just came down wrong on her leg, her knee buckled a little, and the bone cracked. Like I said...a freak accident. When I looked at the x-ray last night I could tell it was a very small crack. We're not talking stress fracture or anything like that. She's not even in pain really. The only discomfort she feels is when she tries to stand on it.
UPDATE - So this morning I took her to an orthopedist. After examining her leg the doctor's prognosis was that the fracture is not serious, and that she'll be in a cast for 3 weeks. He said the "buckle fracture" that occurred is actually quite common with kids who jump on trampolines and bouncy houses. Anyway, the nurses put on a sharp looking "pink cast" for her (see below.) She kind of liked that. If all goes well the cast will come off at the end of June. In fact, we've already made an appointment for June 29th to have it come off. So until then we'll just trudge on and try to make the best of the situation. I'm going to take Megan to school tomorrow so all of her friends can sign her new cast. So she's looking forward to that.
On a side note - Jenny is pretty much in shock about this. Both she and her brother never broke anything growing up (something I find hard to believe) so she's not sure what to make about all of this. But I'm sure Megan will be back on her feet in no time. As for bouncy houses, we might stay away from them for a while. Especially after we saw this report the other day.
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