Sunday, December 9, 2007

Megan is 4 months old

Hard to believe, but it's true. We had her 4 month checkup this past week and everything looked great. She weighed in at 14 1/2 pds, and measured at 26 1/4 inches. Her weight is in the 75%, and her height is in the 97%. She got some shots, and then later complained about it the rest of the day. Like I've said before, she's already a drama queen. She's doing okay at night also. Right now we can lay her down in her crib and she'll pretty much fall asleep on her own. Usually around 8:30 ish. Then she'll wake up around 1:30 ish and want to eat. Then she might sleep again until 4:30 ish, when we'll usually just get her back to sleep. And then she'll wake up to eat around 6:30. So she's doing well with the nightime routine. Better than Ben ever did at this age...that's for sure.

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