Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Butterflies In Bloom

Today I took the kids up to Dow Gardens for our first visit of the year. We spend a lot of time there in the summer, but once in a while we make visits at other times of the year. Today was "Butterflies In Bloom," where they release butterflies in the greenhouse and you can go see them, and touch them. Ben loves interacting with bugs in the summer, so he was really into holding the butterflies. He was actually better at it than I was. I think that's interesting because I can remember a few years ago when I brought Ben to this event he was freaking out all the time whenever the butterflies got too close. As for Megan, she thought it was funny when the butterflies got too close to her, but she seemed to really enjoy it. Anyway, it was a nice way to spend part of Ben's spring break.

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