Sunday, July 26, 2009

At The Movies - Ben Edition

G-FORCE - Ben and I saw this yesterday. It's about a group of guinea pigs who are also a team of super spies working for the government and they have to save the world. Ben absolutely loved it, and I thought it was surprisingly tolerable to sit through. Ben loved all the action and eye candy, but at the same time wasn't overwhelmed by it I think. He had a lot of fun with it and he sat through all of it holding his little G-Force stuffed animal I bought him.

ICE AGE 3: DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS - Jenny took Ben to see this last week. Ben seemed to like it, but he definitely liked G-Force better. I think it's a bad sign when even the kids are walking out of the ICE AGE movies saying "when is the squirrel going to get that acorn?" When Ben was telling me about the movie he said he thought it was getting boring that the squirrel never gets the acorn. Then he started to tell me what the 4th ICE AGE movie should be about. I think he said the animals should go up into space in a rocket. I'd say it's not a good sign for a movie when a 5 year old is telling you what the movie SHOULD be about. HA!

SPIRIT: LEGEND OF THE CIMMARRON - Our local library has free kids movies during the summer every Wednesday morning. So that's where we caught this one. And I tell you what...all three of us were surprised at how good this movie is. Ben and Megan loved it...and I actually liked it a lot myself. It's the story of a mustang who gets caught and sold to a calvary outpost somewhere around Arizona. Then he befriends a native American and somehow finds his way back home to his family. This was the first time Megan sat through a whole movie in her that has to tell you something right there. Ben liked it so much he cried at the end when the horse had to say goodbye to his Indian friend. And now because he cried he doesn't want to see it again. Anyway, the three of us went with a friend of mine and his son. My friend and I looked at each other half way through and said, "wow...this is actually pretty good." We were laughing about that and picturing ourselves standing up in the theater..."RUN SPIRIT! RUN FROM YOUR INDUSTRIALIZED OPPRESSORS!"

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