Sunday, December 18, 2011

Nothing Says The Holidays Like...A Kitchen Remodel?

Well, we finally got the number of the settlement that we'll be receiving from State Farm. All in all it was a generous total, so we shouldn't have any issue rebuilding our kitchen and basement. So last Friday Jenny and I went to a local designer here in town and picked out our cabinets, countertops, etc. The designer also showed us her plans for how the new cabinets will be arranged and how the kitchen should look when it's completed. So we made our choices and picked everything out. Now Serv-Pro and our designer will take it from here and get everything put back better than it was before. This ordeal has been a nightmare, and it has really put a cramp on our "holiday spirit," but we're trying to stay positive about everything. When everything is all complete we should have a nicer kitchen and a bigger basement. So all this stress will be worth it in the long run.

"Feliz Navidad everyone!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They make a kitchen countertops cutting board that drops in .There are few types and a few sizes that may work for you.