Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Megan's Last Year At ZIS

The thing we'll miss most of all from our time in Switzerland is the kids' school.  ZIS was a great environment for Ben and Megan.  They loved it.  They made tons of friends, the teachers were caring and nurturing, and the entire school community was positive and supportive.  Most of all Ben and Megan grew in ways they would have never experienced in the U.S., so we feel truly blessed they got to have this experience.

Megan had a great year in 1st grade this year.  She really took off with her reading, she grew steadily with her math, and she made lots of friends.  She had a great year.  I also was a parent volunteer in her class this year, and came in once a week to read with the kids.  Anyway, here are some snippets of her past year in the 1st grade.

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