Monday, September 3, 2007

Megan at 4 weeks

Here's Megan at 4 weeks. Overall, she's doing well...but we are experiencing a few issues with her.

Megan has gotten the hang of the whole nursing thing and now refuses to take a bottle. In fact, she doesn't want the bottle or a pacifier. All she wants is Jenny. So when she's hungry, or just wants to pacify on something, she wants Jenny. We are obviously not giving into all of these demands, and we're trying to get her back on track with everything. But as you can imagine it is slow going.

So right now there is a lot of crying going on in the house, and the nights are becoming a little more difficult than they were a few weeks ago. She just has a hard time calming down right now because she won't take a pacifier, and I can't help out with the feedings because she won't take a bottle. So she'll cry. It's not colic that's for sure. She cries during the day and night...pretty much throughout the day. She just doesn't want to change. So we're working on it.

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