Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What's Megan up to?

Megan is a very good colorer. Definitely more so than Ben was at this age. Her "pencil grip" is pretty strong, and she has a genuine interest in doodling. She and I have also been working on her letters. She knows most of them, and only gets confused on a handful...like I or F. But she routinely gets about all but 4 right at a time. So she's coming along with all of that. We're also in the terrible two's with her right now...and oh man does she have a temper. It doesn't take much to tip her over the edge, so that's been very challenging for both Jenny and I. Ben's tantrums at this age were short and pretty level headed. Megan's tantrums can go on and on. Distractions help a little, but she definitely lets you know when she's not happy about something. She also likes doing everything Ben does. That means climbing things, swinging on things, playing with things, etc. She's more interested in his toys than her own. Which leads me to my last thing with Megan. She loves the "Batman song." You know...the one that goes..."da da da da da Batman!" She loves singing that song. It's just hilarious to me to see this little girl running around singing "Batman!"

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