Friday, January 13, 2012

First Week Of School's been a big week for the kids. This week they both started at their schools. Megan's week was a bit tricky. Before we moved here we had a preschool already picked out. So she started on Tuesday and she was loving it. However, after she started her first two days we were hit with some unexpected administration and registration fees. What we thought we were going to pay turned out to be doubled. The costs were pretty steep, (by American standards I guess) so we decided to pull her out and put her in another preschool that was more affordable. The one she's in now is called "Keltic Kiddies" and it's a "preschool/playgroup" kind of setting. The owner is from the United Kingdom, so everyone speaks English. All along we've been planning on sending Megan to Ben's school in the fall, so we're just looking for someplace right now where she can go and have fun and interact with some children for a few months. I think this new school will be a good fit for her for the time being. In fact, her school is right next door to Ben's school, so that really helps me out. Her teachers' names are Ms. Steph and Ms. Rachel. Today was her first day and she really enjoyed it. She didn't want to leave when I picked her up. She really likes school.

As for Ben, his transition has been going super. As some of you know he's going to the Zurich International School (ZIS.) He's in a second grade classroom with about 20 something kids, and his teacher's name is Mr. Sullivan. An interesting note about his class: Ben is only 1 of about 4 American kids in the class. The rest are from countries like Spain, Sweden, India, only a few of the kids are native English speakers. So it's an interesting mix of children. I think that's great for Ben to have exposure like that. A lot of local families try to apply to the school so their children will learn English, so it's a very respected school in the area. As you may expect the school has a different way of doing things and procedures than his school in Midland, (like pickups, recess, drop offs, etc.) but Ben has adjusted well (and quickly.) Best of all he gets to play with his friend Michael from Midland everyday at recess. Jenny and I were talking to his teacher this morning. He said Ben was doing great so far and seemed to be fitting right in. As he was saying this to us I happened to notice Ben was already joking and goofing around with a few boys in the class. So he already seems somewhat settled in. The school isn't much to look at on the outside, with its Swiss modern architecture. But the inside is very nice and new. Ben seems to be enjoying it so far.

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