Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First Time On The Ferry

The city of Zurich lies at the northern end of Lake Zurich, and the surrounding communities dot both sides of the lake.  So in order to drive from one side of the lake to the other a lot of people simply drive around it.  But in the middle of the lake there are ferries that can take you from one side to the other so you don't have to drive around.  We've seen the ferries going back and forth countless times since we've been here, and yet we had never taken the time to try it out...until this past weekend.
On Sunday we were coming back from "Kindercity" and we decided to take the ferry back to our side of the lake.  The cost was pretty reasonable.  About 11 francs for the 4 of us, including our car.  Best of all it saved us a little bit of time, and the kids enjoyed it as well.  There aren't a lot of places in Zurich where 11 francs can entertain your kids like this ferry did.  Of course the views aren't too bad either.

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