Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ben Needs Space

Ever since Ben went to the Space Center in Houston weeks ago it's been all things space with him. When we go to the library he wants to check out books about space. When he's playing with cars or planes or spaceships at home....everything can fly, and everything goes into outer space. When we were at the Space Center I bought him a toy space shuttle. He's still playing with it, and oftentimes will take it to bed.

Combine all that with the fact that at school for the past 2 weeks they've been talking about space, and the stars, and the planets. One of the teachers told me recently, "whenever I need to remember the planets I just go up to Ben and ask him."

He also likes to occasionally tell me stories about space. They're usually about all of us flying up to the moon together on the space shuttle.

When I was a kid I was really into Astronomy. I can remember when I was 10 or 11 my friends and I camping out in the yard at 3 in the morning watching lunar eclipses, or meteor showers with our telescopes. So to see Ben showing a strong interest in space is pretty cool to me.

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