Monday, April 9, 2012

Paris Trip - Day 1: "Reims"

Both Ben and Megan started their spring breaks last week, so we took a trip to Paris for the week. We decided to drive instead of fly. We didn't imagine it would be any cheaper than flying per se, but driving allowed us more flexibility with Jenny's work schedule. The drive from Zurich to Paris is about 7 hours, so the first day we broke up the trip a bit by stopping in the town of Reims, which is about an hour east of the Paris area (see the map above.) The primary landmark of Reims is the cathedral, named "Notre Dame de Reims." The building is a mass of gothic architecture. You can read about it here. For a time it was the site where kings of France were coronated. It's absolutely stunning in person. Also, the city center is charming, with its classic french bistros lining the sidewalks, and the wide thoroughfares.

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