Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Still waiting...

No baby yet. Still waiting...

We went to the doctor on Monday and Jenny was still around 2, so baby is definately taking her time.

In the meantime she's still going to work, but coming home early in the afternoons, usually around 3.
She wants to hold off on taking off work before the baby arrives because any time she takes off now
will take away from time on the back end after baby arrives. It's just a juggling act she has to manage.

Obviously if baby continues to take her time Jenny and her doctor may talk about inducing. Our doctor
(a midwife) isn't opposed to inducing, but she wants to use that as a last resort, and only if Jenny gets
too uncomfortable.

So if inducing looks like it's going to happen then I'm sure Jenny will take some time off right before it

That's all the news I have to report for now. We'll keep everyone posted if anything changes.

1 comment:

Beth Hames said...

She better decide to come before we get there in September!!