Monday, April 14, 2008

Megan has got an appetite

One new development with Megan recently is her appetite. Boy does she like to eat. Specifically she likes to eat what we're eating, and also various baby-friendly solids.

She's still taking a bottle of course, but maybe only 3 or 4 times a day at the most. The rest of the time she's either eating baby food or food from our plates.

She's the polar opposite of Ben when he was this age. Unlike Ben at 8 months, Megan is a very adventurous eater. In fact, I can't think of anything that we've given her to eat that she didn't like or want more of.

I know some of you may find none of this very newsworthy, but for Jenny and I this is all very new. Ben, bless his heart, was just never an adventurous eater. Even as a baby, he never showed an interest in trying new foods. He knew what he liked and wanted it all the time. Megan on the other hand seems very interested in trying all sorts of foods, and seems to like them all.

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