Thursday, April 24, 2008

What is Megan Up To?

Megan has officially moved out of the baby carrier. She now rides in the bigger car seats, and sits upright in the stroller when we're out and about. We pushed the baby carrier as far as we could, simply because we could zip her up in the fleece pocket when it was cold outside. But she was getting so long she kept popping out of it almost. So now that she's bigger, and since it's warmer outside now (finally) we've officially made the transition.

She's also got a voracious appetite. She gets impatient with you and starts to make noises when you're too slow with the food. Also, she's still eating a wide variety of different foods, both our food and her own. She just likes to eat, and she never seems to get full.

Also, she seems to be getting used to the community center. When I go to work out I leave her at the "Kid's Corner," which is a room where some caregivers will watch your child for an hour or so. Now I'm able to leave her there without her getting upset. So she seems to have gotten used to the place now, which makes things easier for me.

Finally, Megan is starting to clap pretty consistently now. She'll clap when you clap, or sometimes she'll clap on her own just because. Here...take a look.

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