Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ben's Soccer - Game 1

This morning was Ben's first soccer game. It was an experience, and a lot of fun for all of us. All this week he had been talking about playing soccer with Parker on Saturday, so he was really looking forward to it. At this age the game is played with 5 players each on a team, there are no goalies, and no one keeps score or standings. It's all about the basics at this age, and several of our kids have never played organized soccer before (including Ben.) Ben did pretty good today. I think he kicked the ball a few times, and overall gave a good effort. I just want him to try and have fun. The team we played was a lot more organized and experienced. It looked like they had some kids on their team that knew how to play the game. They even had a team name...the Minnows. We haven't picked a name for our team yet. As for us, our kids looked a little confused at the start of the game...but by the end of the game they were all doing much better. Like I said, several kids on the team have never played soccer before so it will just take time I'm sure. At the end of the game we all shook hands, and the parents made a "tunnel" for all the kids to walk through. That might have been Ben's favorite part. So anyway, all the kids had fun, and for a lot of us parents on the team this was our first step into the world of youth soccer. It was an experience and I think it will be a lot of fun. Practice is on Tuesday, and the first order of business will be to pick a team name.

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