Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Mr. Amazing Reader"

Ben's reading skills are really taking off. He's already tackling books now that are beyond his age. His teacher sends him home with "early reader" books from school, and he just flies through them. They're getting easier and easier for him to read it seems like. He likes to read my old Disney books, which I would say are around a first grade level. In fact, one night after we tucked him in bed we could hear him on the monitor reading to himself. When Jenny went up to his room she found him in bed with a book in total darkness. She asked him "Can you even see the words?" He said, "Not really." So he's probably going to be that kid who takes a book and a flashlight to bed and reads under the sheets.
Another time we were out and about somewhere and he saw one of those yellow caution tapes wrapped around something. He said, "That says...CAUTION - DO NOT CROSS." I wondered to myself how he could even read a word like "caution."
His teachers at school are all very impressed with his reading level right now. This past week when I was picking him up from school his teacher said to me, "I'm going to start calling him Mr. Amazing Reader." Ben thought that was pretty cool.

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