Thursday, January 24, 2008

Movie Time

One of the biggest changes in our lives as a result from having kids is the amount of movies we see at the theater. We just don't get to the theater nearly as much as we did pre-kids. There was a time when we used to go to the theater and we would have seen everything showing. Nowadays when we go to the theater we have to take in effect the cost of babysitters, so anything we see better be good.

That's why we rent movies now more than ever before. We love Netflix. I love the convenience, the selection, everything. Sure it means waiting 6 months to see a lot of movies we would normally see at the theater. But these days when we're tied up with two little ones, being able to watch a movie at home after the kids go to bed is really nice.

Typically Friday nights are my nights. Jenny's usually wiped out from a week at work and off to bed early, so Friday night is my time when I can sit back, stay up late, watch a movie I want to watch, and not think about anything else. Then Saturday nights is usually our "movie" night, where we try to watch something we both want to watch.

Recently we did find a babysitter who's great with the kids, so we're going to try to have a "date night" once a month. So hopefully we can get back to the theater more.

So anyway, this year on the blog I thought I'd try to include my reviews of the movies we rent and see in the theater. Since I'm already almost a month behind, I'll play catch up and bring everyone up to date.

LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD - We rented this one recently and we liked it. I should say Jenny liked it and I loved it. I enjoyed it a lot more than the Bourne Ultimatum. Yes, I know it's rediculous...and over the top...and laughable at times. But come's John McClaine. He surfs a jet for crying out loud. Loved it!

SIDEWALKS OF NEW YORK - I am an Edward Burns fan. Not the Edward Burns you see in movies like "15 Minutes," or "A Sound of Thunder," but the one who wrote and directed "Brothers McMullen," and "Looking For Kitty." I guess I like his movies for the same reason I like Woody Allen movies. Interesting writing, dialouge driven, character rich, etc. In fact, I would say with movies like "Looking For Kitty," and this one he might be turning into the Woody Allen of our time. Granted he has a long way to go before he achieves that status. (I don't think Burns writes as well for women as he does for men.) Anyway, this one felt a lot like a number of Woody Allen movies I've seen, and I guess that's why I liked it.

BOURNE ULTIMATUM - We liked it. It's fun to watch and see how Bourne will get out of every predicament he finds himself caught up in. It's also cool to see all the european locations. I still like the first one the best. I think because it goes at a slightly slower pace, so you get a chance to soak in the espionage. With the 2nd and 3rd one you have no time to catch a breath. It's cinema for someone with a short attention span.

EXILED - When I was in college I watched a lot of Hong Kong action movies. I mean really...too many to admit. Well, I don't have the same taste for the genre as I once did, but once in a while one catches my eye. "Exiled" is an asian, gun-toting, action movie that is set in Macau. It's the typical "mafia syndicate hitmen find redemption in a blaze of glory and bullets" movie that gets cranked out in Hong Kong. It's got some great scenes in the first hour, but I eventually got bored with it after I hit the 2 hour mark. Way too long.

I AM LEGEND - We got a baby sitter one night and ran out to go see this. We thought it was great. For those who don't know Will Smith plays the last man on earth, but he has mobs of vampire zombies to deal with night after night. Jenny for some reason had no idea the movie was going to be horror, so half way through she looked at me and said, "what did you bring me to?" But we both loved it. I had read the book before, and I still think it's better. But the movie is intense and worth seeing.

BLADES OF GLORY - We saw this in the theater when it came out, but we thought it would be fun to rent it and watch it again. We love Will Ferrell, and I laugh at basically any movie he makes. This is a funny one indeed, but the extras, deleted scenes, and outtakes are almost as funny as the movie itself.

PATHFINDER - I am a sucker for a good "sword and slash" flick. I rented this based on a recommendation from a friend of mine. That and also I liked the movie "The 13th Warrior," and this reminded me of that. Anyway, it's about a viking raised by indians in a pre-colonized America. He eventually becomes the protector of his tribe from invading vikings. (Sigh) What was I thinking with this one? After the first 20 minutes I said to myself..."Oh oh. This is getting bad."

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