Monday, January 21, 2008

Tough to be a Cowboy fan

I know it's been a week since I watched my beloved Dallas Cowboys lose a sure ticket to the Super Bowl...but I can't help it. I'm still upset. I sat there watching some of the championship games this weekend still thinking about how Dallas blew it this year. Just blew it. Dallas should have been there. It's so frustrating.

Anyway, I came across this video. It's very funny, and worth watching. If you're a Cowboy fan it really sums up how you feel after this season.

It's from the movie "DOWNFALL," which is a German film about Hitler's last days in WWII. In the scene Hitler's generals are explaining to him that the allies are closing in and Germany is about to fall, and he won't accept it. However, someone covered up the original subtitles and inserted some new dialouge pertaining to the Cowboys.

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