Saturday, January 5, 2008

Spending the holidays in Texas

We spent last week down in Texas, spending the holidays with Jenny's family in Austin. We had a Christmas at Mat & Beth's house, and then spent a few days at Jenny's dad's new place in Jonestown, just outside of Austin. We had a great time, and Ben had a lot of fun playing with all of his cousins. Megan did especially well with all the shuffling around, and traveling we did. We weren't sure how she would do on the plane rides, but she did fantastic. She slept most of the way on every flight. Everything worked out great. Anyway, here's some scenes from our trip to Texas.

We fed Megan some rice cereal for the first time. She seemed interested in it, though not very excited about it.

Here's Ben driving Grandad's boat...

Here's the boys enjoying some smores by the "CAMPFIRE!" (Notice the Texan accents)

Here are boys celebrating the New Year by the campfire.

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