Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Great Lakes Loons

Over the past month and a half I've been pretty busy producing ads for the Loons. The new season starts the first week of April, and I've been busy getting their new commercials finished and ready to air ahead of time. Here's some of what I've produced so far.

The first two pieces below I am most proud of. I am so happy with how they turned out...as were the clients. I would say in fact they are some of my best work in a long time.
The campaign for this year's advertising is "Are You Ready?" and the two pieces below follow that same theme. First, I went around the Tri-Cities (Saginaw, Midland, Bay City) and shot video of some of the landmark buildings in the area. Then in post I made it look like all the buildings and cities were decked out with Loons banners, posters, video screens and logos. The clients absolutely loved the final result.

This first one is the opening video that will be played in the stadium on the big screen at the start of every home game.

This is one of the television commercials that uses the same "Are You Ready?" theme.

This commercial talks about the Detroit Tigers promotions that will be featured throughout the season.

This commercial talks about a season-long promotion, and features a fun 50's/60's retro "Drive-In" theme.


Diane Marie said...
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Diane Marie said...

Steve! I'm very impressed with your work. Great commercials! Of course I have to follow your blog, and Beth's too, since I don't have any grandchildren of my own. I have to live vicariously through Jackie's.