Saturday, February 13, 2010

Shall We Play A Game?

So...can you guess which house is the Michigan house, and which one is the Texas house? Both pictures were taken yesterday. So which one is which?

Seeing my home town of Dallas/Fort Worth get slammed with 9 to 11 inches of snow has just boggled my mind this week (as well as probably most of you who read this blog.) Never before can I remember so much snow in that area. All my years of living there I can only remember 1 or 2 inches of snow at a time, and that was enough usually to close schools and shut down the city.
To be honest, 9 to 11 inches shuts down OUR city up here in Michigan, and we're prepared for it. I can't imagine how 9 to 11 inches of snow impacted D/FW. I'm sure it was panic in the streets.

To quote Ghostbusters - "You can accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. Real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky. Rivers and seas boiling! 40 years of darkness. Earthquakes! Volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats living together. MASS HYSTERIA!"

By the way...the top house is the Texas house. Unbelievable!


Hidden Springs Ranch said...

That's funny. Thanks for posting the pic. I bet the truck was the Texas give-away.

Hidden Springs Ranch said...
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