Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our Mountains

One thing we enjoy each and every day is our view. Our house faces the east and looks out over Lake Zurich and the Alps on the other side. The view is beautiful, even on a cloudy, grey day. Even the kids will take notice when the scenery is captivating. And one thing I learned living in Colorado is...mountains change day to day. They're alive, and every day they look a little different. The light might be a little different, the air, snow, rain, etc. It's weird. You know it's the same landscape, but everyday is unique. So as a personal experiment I recently spent a week taking a picture from the same spot on our balcony, at the same time every morning...just to see how the mountains change. You can see the results below. Anyway, we are enjoying our view. Now I just need to start learning the names of the peaks I'm looking at every day. Ha!

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