Monday, December 28, 2009

Cookie Cutting

Over the years we've established an annual tradition for ourselves of making Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve. We get out all the frosting tools, the icing, and plenty of sprinkles...and we cut out all sorts of Christmas shaped cookies to decorate. With the kids the ages they are they eat more cookies than they decorate, so Jenny and I do most of the work still. But everyone enjoys it. Anyway, we always make more cookies than we need to eat, so we box some up and give some to some of our neighbors.

Funny thing about that by the way. Ben and I went to 3 of our neighbors houses to give out cookies. Jenny was busy with Megan upstairs while we were gone, so the cookies were left on a big platter on the kitchen counter. While everyone else was away Glacier somehow got hold of about half of the Christmas cookies and ate them all. It was so weird because she never does stuff like that. Anyway, by the time Ben and I got back half of the cookies were gone...including my heavily frosted "boot" I made just for myself. Glacier was about to spend the night outside for the rest of the holidays...but we eventually forgave her. It is Christmas after all.

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