Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Bees - Game 6

Today Megan's soccer team played their 6th game of the season, and we were the "green" team. As I mentioned below the weather was awful today, and I think that effected some of the kids today. We lost the game, but the good news is Megan scored three goals. I got a shot of her scoring her 3rd below. Man! She is turning into a scoring machine. She's really turning into a solid soccer player. Both Megan and her friend Abby (the girl next to her in the photo below) have turned into a very talented duo. A lot of the kids on the team are a little shy and afraid to kick the ball at times, so most of our offense goes through Megan and Abby. Anyway, all these kids are having fun in their very first soccer season (as you can see below.)

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