Saturday, October 8, 2011

It Really Is A Small World

I think most of you know by now that we are moving to Zurich, Switzerland in January. Jenny and I are running around with our heads cut off trying to tie up all the loose ends before we leave. Well...a few weeks ago we gave Ben permission to start spreading the news at school to all of his friends. So as you would expect he practically told the entire school.
So one day Ben was sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch with his friends. He was busy telling his friend next to him that we were moving when his friend Michael cut in. Here's basically how the conversation went:

Michael: "Ben! Where did you say you were moving to?"
Ben: "Switzerland."
Michael: "Cool. So am I."

So it was through the two boys that we found out our friends the McGaughs are moving to Zurich as well in January. They are friends of ours who also work at Dow. Ben and Michael are cub scouts together and close friends, and Megan and Matthew (the youngest boy) are friends and they're on the same soccer team. This is just an amazing coincidence. The boys are going to be in the same school, and all of us are going to be touring Switzerland and speaking German together. Wow. All of us parents were just estatic. Since then we've all had dinner together to discuss this whole Swiss thing. Anyway, it's an unbelievable story.

So believe it or not Ben and Megan are moving to Zurich with their friends. How amazing is that?

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