Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Hello Win Column!"

(For those of you who don't know the title above refers to Mark Holtz, the long-time Rangers radio announcer who died in 1997. That was his signature phrase.)

Wow! The Rangers are in the World Series. I can't believe I just wrote that. While I was watching the end of the game last night I was texting back-and-forth with about 4 different people. Seemed like everyone from the metroplex was watching it. What a special night.

I've always had a "love/hate" relationship with the Rangers. Back in the day I grew up 10 minutes away from the Ballpark in Arlington. I went to tons of games, Jenny and I saw Nolan Ryan's 7th no-hitter, we were there when Nolan Ryan knocked out Robin Ventura, and I was there when the Rangers got their first playoff birth in 1996. But there was also a more personal connection. Back when I worked at the movie theater several Rangers would come in on their off days. Most of them would keep to themselves, but a few of them would actually talk to us. Our favorite was always Rafael Palmeiro. He would come in pretty regularly with his wife (always 20 minutes after the last show of the day). He would ask us how school is going, and we'd chat briefly about the season. I also met Nolan Ryan, and Ivan Rodriguez among others.

But over the years the Rangers have given me more headaches and heartbreaks than cheers. There have been so many disappointments. That makes last night's win all the more special.

Anyway, I found some great photos from last night's game. Since most of the people who read this blog are Rangers fans I figured everyone would enjoy. Man...I wish I was there last night.

Yes folks! The Rangers are headed to the World Series! Go Rangers!

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