Sunday, May 16, 2010

Garage Sale

Yesterday was the "3rd Annual Frame Family Garage Sale." Twice a year there's a "City Wide" garage sale where anyone who wants to have a garage sale can do so without any kind of permits or anything. So for the past 3 years we've been participating as a way to get rid of stuff we have stored in our basement and around the house. I'll be honest, I don't like going to garage sales...and I especially don't like hosting them. But I will admit, it's pretty cool when you make a total of a few hundred dollars for stuff you're not using and is just sitting around your house gathering dust. But what amazes Jenny and I are the people who haggle and negotiate at these things. The way some of these people will haggle with you over a dollar or two. I mean it's ridiculous. Sometimes I just feel like saying "just take the thing."

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