Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Questions and Answers

Ben has this thing about asking me random questions at random times, or just saying random facts about things he learns. It's kind of funny to see how his brain works sometimes. Usually when we sit down to eat lunch together after school he'll ask me about things that happen to be on his mind, and they're usually questions that make you think "where did that come from?" For example, today we were at the mall eating Subway and in the middle of the food court he asked me "Daddy, when the Earth was being formed where did all the people come from?" Talk about a heavy-loaded question. I asked him if they were talking about that in school today and he said no (which is usually the answer he gives. Mostly at school they work on writing and that's about it.) So in the middle of a crowded food court today I tried to explain to my 6 year old son how God created the world and all the living things on Earth, and also how man slowly evolved over time from primates, then from cavemen, and how animals evolve over millions of years, and so on and so on. Thinking I satisfied his curiosity I returned to my Cold Cut Combo. Then I hear "Daddy, do all the pyramids in Egypt point to constellations in the sky?" Again...another heavy question for a 6 year old. He'll also occasionally blurt out random facts. For example yesterday he suddenly wanted to tell me all about the blind crayfish that live deep in caves. Again I asked him "did you learn about that in school today?" and he answered "no...I read it in a book." Sometimes his questions and answers just make me laugh out loud because they're so random. It's funny to see him trying to figure out the world. He's always thinking.

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