MONDAY - Nature hike at Barstow Woods. Collected acorns and pine cones.

MONDAY AT NOON - Megan and I had a "Daddy / Daughter" picnic in the park, and she got lots of swing and tree time.

TUESDAY - Nature hike at Whiting Forest. Collected more acorns and pine cones. Megan also had fun exploring the "forts."

WEDNESDAY - Hiked .25 miles on the "Chippewa Trail" at the Nature Center. Megan thought the "small bridges" were pretty interesting. The highlight was looking for frogs on all the lily pads at the wetlands.

THURSDAY - Nature hike at the Nature Center. Hiked 1.5 miles on the "Ridge Trail." Despite the distance she did great. I only had to carry her a short part of the way. Megan identified a fern for the first time. Also saw some mushrooms and deer tracks.

FRIDAY - Megan and I went to Dow Gardens for "storytime." Megan also got to pick some vegetables and water the flowers.

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