I'll reiterate again I really don't have anything against RV's and popups and the like. Actually my main gripe is with the Michigan DNR for making their campsites so darn narrow. When you wake up at night at the sound of someone snoring in the site next to you then you know you're too close. We also woke up to the sound of the person next to us opening up their tent, and we even woke up when a baby across the road started crying from teething. Yeah...the sites are too close. So you can imagine the noise when these giant trailers come tromping into the campground.
But the funny thing is we got our revenge I guess you could say. Saturday in the middle of the night we were woken up (or I should say scared out of our wits) by Megan who was screaming. We think she simply had a nightmare, but her screams were like nothing we've ever heard come out of her mouth before. I'm talking "horror movie" screams. It took me an hour to get back to sleep cause my heart was racing so much.
So I guess my point is our camp neighbors probably think the sites are too close as well.

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