Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Campers!

One of the highlights of our 4th of July weekend was a backyard camping trip for Ben and I. It was Ben's first time camping, and his first time sleeping outside. I wasn't too sure what to expect, but I thought I'd try it. I'd rather find out in the backyard how comfortable Ben is camping as opposed to driving up north and finding out the hard way.
So we set up our two-person tent in the backyard in our woods. It was really great. Our woods are perfect for this kind of thing.
We stayed up and read a bunch of books about camping and the woods, we took a night hike through our woods with our flashlights, and then we went to bed. Ben was having such a great time. He was so wired in fact that I think I fell asleep before he did. He kept waking me up and saying things like, "I'm going to take a nap and then do another night hike." I also remember him asking me one time, "Let's talk about everything in space," and "let's talk about all the places you've camped." It was around 11pm and I was almost begging him to lay down and go to sleep. But I laugh. It was great, and it was almost a perfect introduction for him to the camping experience. He loved it.
So now I'm going to look into finding a state park up north where we can camp for a night. Maybe in a few weeks if it works out.

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