Sunday, July 20, 2008

Volkswagen snubs Detroit

As a follow up to the post below, I came across this story recently. Volkswagen recently decided to build a new auto plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, with Detroit missing out once again.

I heard on the radio that Governor Granholm (Michigan) came up with an incentive plan for Volkswagen that was "too good to pass up," and "she wouldn't take no for an answer."

Well...once again the answer was no. The main reason being union labor costs according to Volkswagen.

I also heard recently that General Motors is working on laser technology for its new cars. The premise being that lasers will be used to help elderly drivers see the road better at night and in bad weather.

Interesting concept. But maybe General Motors and the big 3 should spend their time making cars that get 30 miles to the gallon, instead of all the bells and whistles. That might help you think?

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