Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What's Ben Up To?

We just recently signed Ben up for soccer...which will start up in September. He's going to be on a 4-5 year old team (I believe). We coordinated with our friend Erin who signed her son Parker to be on the same team. Should be fun. We'll see how it goes. He likes to kick the soccer ball in the backyard so we thought we'd give it a try. And I think having a friend on the team with him will help him stay interested long enough to give it a try.

Also, I just recently cleaned out Ben's sandbox in the backyard. It was filled with leaves and sticks, so he never went in it. But one day last week he mentioned he wanted to play in it so I cleaned it out for him. Now everyday he's playing in it. He loves making mountains and roads for his hot wheel cars to drive on.

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